
Showing posts from November, 2019

Brownfield Restoration

As the authors state within their comparative analysis of the EPA Region 2 brownfields assessment, a key to successful redevelopment efforts is political support from mayors and city planners who make brownfield redevelopment a priority (Baker, Bono, Chase, Domick, Donovan, Freudenberg, Renfro, Stubbs, Thomas, Vecchio, Yeh, & Cohen, 2004, p. 2). With an unrelenting focus, from Mayor Dan Pope since he took office, the City of Lubbock has been working to address remediation of the wreckage left behind when the City’s recycling center burned down; twice (Wilbanks, 2019.a). The Mayor held a press conference on the site of the abandoned recycling center, drawing the attention of the state to fund the initiative, a priority that Mayor Pope describes as the city’s largest legislative priority in their past three sessions (Dotray, 2019.a). To show how the community came together to solve this problem, city local Casey Johnson mentions he purchased the abandoned recycling center to rede...